Friday, February 19

Have You Ever?

In a very round-a-bout way, I came across this blog post from a friend of a friend. When I first heard about it, I didn't think too much into it because, who can really portray their true, rare, pure feelings for someone in words? But... then I read it:

"Have you ever missed someone so much you did everything you could to keep your thoughts away from them?

Have you ever been so close to someone that you weren't quite sure where you ended and they began?

Have you ever had a relationship change so much it feels like you're drifting apart, when you're really just growing closer together?

Have you ever loved someone so much that hearing about their success is even better than your own?

Have you ever wished you could know what would happen, but you secretly knew that it was better not to?

Have you ever forgiven someone because you know deep down who they have the potential to be?

Have you ever been scared that you're so vulnerable your best friend could stab a dagger to the very heart of your pain and run away, laughing?

Have you ever realized how vulnerable you are, but opened up even more anyway?

Have you ever seriously contemplated going on a long road trip just to get a glimpse of someone?

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes you lovable?

Have you ever stopped running away because he needs you?

Have you ever loved someone because you need them?

Have you ever realized that, really, you need him because you love him?

Have you ever saved every rubber band because you just can't throw them away?

Have you ever spent too much time trying to write down the memories you don't want to lose?

Have you ever been so angry you wanted to hit him, but you can't, even when he lets you?

Have you ever been touched so softly you couldn't tell if it was real?

Have you ever fallen asleep in absolute peace?

Have you ever trusted someone so much that if you tried to run, you know they would just hold on tighter?

Have you ever prayed that you would dream of him, just so you could feel his touch?

Have you ever worried that it won't work out, and then remembered that Father will make everything work out for the best?

Have you ever really loved someone?

Have you ever really missed someone?

Have you ever woken up and realized that you haven't just shared your hopes and dreams with him, you have given him your whole heart?

Have you ever been in so deep that you know there's no way out?

Have you ever realized that you wouldn't take a way out if you had it?

Have you ever really loved someone?"

I have.

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