Tuesday, March 9

Service & Love

He's on my mind a lot these days. I don't think I could be more hopeless if I tried. But I know if I focus, everything will play out in happiness.

I missed my best friend today. I walked by his old apartment complex. I couldn't control myself; I burst into a smile that could extend forever. I remember laying on our backs on the stone hard concrete in the middle of his parking lot, staring at the perfect blue summer sky as the wispy white clouds floated by. I remember standing on his balcony, waiting for innocent bystanders to walk by only to pelt them with poorly tied water balloons. I remember getting into that shared car week after week, day after day, only to be taken somewhere better. I remember walking him to the bottom of his stairs after basketball games and saying bye, just for a moment, as returning home would just ensure him to be chasing right after me. I remember wishing for thick rain so I could fulfill a dream, but never being satisfied. I remember his roommates and the friendships in that apartment that I miss so much. I remember so much more, and I just wished he could've been right there with me. I wished I could've turned to my left, catch his eye and say "We had fun, didn't we?". He would reply after a short pause, exhaling gently, looking around and remembering the exact same things, only to say "We had a lot of fun". Then we'd be caught in a moment; that best friend moment where our minds were in unison. Then being the romantic I am, I would probably shove him gently and run away, hoping, knowing, he would come right after me.

It's hard to find a love like that. I found him my first week of college. I found my best friend. He's always been my support and foundation, and I have always been that for him. I couldn't be more proud of him if I tried. Alaska doesn't know what a catch they have.

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