Thursday, March 11

I'm Not Safe Anymore

Seriously. I can't escape them. Everywhere I turn, it's there, several times a day. I have tried forgetting it, tried avoiding it, everything I can think of. But today... today just made me laugh out loud so loud. A girl was walking behind me and she probably thinks I'm crazy too because I said aloud "Seriously?! Really?!"

Walking home from chemistry, I have to cross the street twice as my complex is kiddie corner from campus. As I start crossing, a car to the right of me stops at the sign and signals. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the yellow license plate: Alaska. I turn forward to continue to the sidewalk and another car pulls up right across from the other, waiting to turn too. License plate: Alaska.

Also, get this: earlier in the day, on my way to class a bunch of cars were backed up because one car was backing into a parking space. As I made my way up onto campus, I passed where that one car was backing into. License plate: Georgia. Then, this evening, Whitney and I needed to go to Wal-Mart. We pass an Alaska license plate and this was a different car than the two I saw crossing the street. Also, as I was doing my laundry, the car parked RIGHT in front of the lounge was yet another different Alaska license plate. I don't understand.

Why do you stalk my life?! Georgia and Alaska really like me. Especially Alaska.

You probably think I'm crazy. Or making it up. Or actually look for these states and then complain for attention. Ask Whitney, or Chelsie. They both have been around when I'll be asked if I'm from Alaska or it'll come up in conversation, or someone that I met has some strong relation with Alaska. I kid you not. I encounter Alaska and Georgia several times a day.

Oh, and when I was doing my laundry today, the last quarter I grab... guess what state it was?



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