Tuesday, April 13

Untrained dogs cause tension in my life

I'm finally back in that one place called Oregon. The drive went rather quick, actually. When you have Trish riding shotgun straddling a guitar case for several hours and on an emotional high from leaving her beloved fiance for the last time before their wedding, things get talked about. It went off and on, really. At one point she was more serious than I usually am because we got so deep. Crazy, eh? At other times, I was laughing so hard -going mad- that I probably shouldn't have been driving. I was probably thinking about my parents' untrained dogs at the time, too.

We were driving through the Columbia Gorge when things got naturally spiritually. You know, that point where you can look at something so breath-takingly beautiful and can't help but just shout out "Thank you, Lord" for the natural and man-made beauties that makes up this thing called a planet. There was one point where I rounded the bend in the freeway going 74 MPH and the only thing I saw in front of me was really hundreds of miles away. I like to call it Mount Hood. On top of that all, the green was new and rich for Spring and the water was running down canyon walls and through trees and old rocks. Oh, so pretty! I'm going to be bold and say "There's not state prettier than Oregon". But I might get strangled. And, well... a friend of mine pointed out that I haven't been past Utah...


So, what's going on in life right now? Both of my parents work and my brother is still in school. I sit home alone with a couple of untrained dogs, two old felines, and a barn full of critters outside. I have been on craigslist all day looking for possible job opportunities for the summer and I came across quite a few I'd enjoy! One problem...

The last couple days I've been on my dinosaur of a laptop because the one I had at school's charger port is fried. How? I don't know. I have really bad luck with technology. No really; I have really bad luck. Don't believe me? Having someone else just touch my computer will scare it into existance while when I fiddle with it for several minutes I just decide to leave it alone; it won for the day is what I tell myself. My point is, my resume is on that dead laptop. So step by step, I'll get a life eventually.

I found a place to possibly volunteer, too! Be around horses and kids doing barn chores and learning even more skills for my future animal science career, whatever that may be. Maybe. It'd be an hour drive everyday. Let's see how much money I make this year to order to drive and maybe even train the untrainable beasts.

So for now, I do laundry, chase untrained dogs, and overplay music. Ahh... 'tis a wonderful life.

1 comment:

Whitney H said...

Ok, well I laughed really hard at your comment of Oregon is the best, but then pointed out that you haven't been past Utah. Oh, you made me laugh at that one! Oh, and I believe you when you say you repel technology. I've seen it! :)Oh, and I really miss Oregon. It was SO pretty, I still love Idaho, but I miss Oregon. Maybe because it hold something very dear to me in it. But, I can't wait to see you! I am a little nervous though, your day sounds a little monotonous. Don't worry, there are always things to keep you laughing
! :) PANTS!!!