Saturday, June 26

I have finally found what I want to do with my life! ... besides the usual temple marriage and stuff

Slowly but surely, I have been finding more websites that fascinate me. If you look over to my left hand column and see my list of links, you'll see a lot of new ones concerning Real Milk, Nutrition, and farm life. This is becoming a part of me. My passionate side is coming out of hiding and I think I found something to focus on, since my love life is done for the time being (that's a whole other story).

Let's back up a bit, though. For the longest time throughout high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life as far as a career went. I knew I wanted to go to college and I knew I wanted to graduate with at least a Bachelors. I was interested in music for a while, and I can give credit to my wonderful high school choir director for that. I have found that I really don't have a brain for music theory, and as a good friend of mine once told me, I don't want to ruin something so beautiful with the mechanics behind it.

Science is cool. Biology was sort of ruined for me my freshman year due to the teacher. He never actually taught. He didn't even lecture. I did love Physics and Chemistry was alright. I loved math and I aced my AP calculus class my senior year. I wanted to make a difference. What better way than to teach and mold young minds? And what better subject than math since not very many understand it? Once I started looking into it, my desire and passion diminished. I wanted to enjoy my life, not dread it.

Finally, my senior project came around. I had been a part of 4-H ever since I was 9. We had the classic 4-H family farm: various breeds of chickens running around, a full blown rabbit breeding project, and family friendly goats who could have been mistaken as dogs. I loved working with my animals. The thrill of the fair was intoxicating for me, and being able to be responsible for life, and then brag about it, had me hooked. I birthed my own does and had kids running around every spring. Kits (baby bunnies) came along every month and those fluffy little cottonballs were fun to snuggle with. The medical side was fascinating for me; I didn't understand much, but I wanted to. I job shadowed the local vet. I wasn't too thrilled. My research led me to the conclusion that 8 years of dedicating my life to my studies and not being guaranteed a doctorate, and then assuming I did manage to come out on top, I spayed and neutered all day long, was not desirable.

Kids were fun. I enjoyed kids. Their laughter and smiles were able to brighten the darkest day for me. But the rational side of me came out and I told myself "I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to learn about kids, my own family will do that for me one day".

Then, I went to the chiropractor.
And no, I do not want to be a chiropractor.

However, this particular chiropractor is one of those fabulous people who does not buy in to the lies of the marketing industry. He tries to find the truth about nutrition and health and how our bodies are affected by the world around us; money wasn't really a factor in the truth. One thing led to another and he shared several minutes of my appointment of nutrition, dairy products, cholesterol, and where to find true information. On top my my mother's obsession with keeping healthy via fruit, veggies, and whole grains and my brother's obsession with creating new and exciting meals in the kitchen, I could finally fit into my own family.  (hehe)

Here's an example: many people don't know the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbs are things like sugar and white bread. Complex carbs are things like whole grains. Imagine a wood stove. When you put in splinters and newspapers, and light them up, what happens?

They light up really quickly but then go out.

When you put in a seasoned log, and light it up, what happens?

It takes a bit to light up, but then it is slow and steady and lasts for quite a while.

There's an example of energy.

I find it fascinating. I am all about comfort, and if my body is happy, I can feel better about it. Besides, my body is a temple and I must treat it like such.

Here's where I express my excitement about my new found fascination. I'm studying Animal Science right now, but I hope to add an Associate's Degree as a Veterinary Technician to my current study of agriculture and animals and how it affects our health and nutrition.

It's mind blowing, really. And the best part? It's affects EVERYONE.
No, sorry, you're not special.

My dream is to understand and make a difference in animals' and their owners' lives by working as a veterinary technician. I want to be able to teach them about their own health and describe how greatly agriculture affects us all day to day. I want to have a farm of my own at home. I want to be able to be self-reliant with a garden of vegetables, a barn of goat's milk, and a coop of eggs. I want to be able to know the animals around us and help others. I want to breed, raise, and train dogs. I want to own horses and understand more of the nature around us on horseback. And, I want to teach my children about the importance and beauty of animals and agriculture, not just how to earn a quick buck.

There are so many things animals can teach us, and all we have to do is look.

I think one of my goals now is to possibly write here about once a week about something new I have learned, whether it be about real milk, nutrition, agriculture, veterinary medicine, or animals at home. I have to keep myself busy somehow. Maybe this will be like a school journal in a sense. I can blog about what I've learned and how it will affect me today and tomorrow. I will make this summer meaningful, because there is more to life than following the crowd..

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