Saturday, July 31

Bones: My secret little obsession

I don't watch a lot of T.V. However, I absolutely love this show. Bones is a series about a forensic anthropologist and her partner, an FBI agent, teaming together to identity decomposed bodies and bringing their murderers to justice. Sort of eerie, huh? While the actual base for the show doesn't always keep me enthralled, the comedy is always fun. 

I think the reason I'm so twitter-pated with this show is because of the relationships of the characters with each other. The main characters, Dr. Brennan or Bones, and Special Agent Booth or Booth, have this sentimental relationship and a closeness that I have such a desire to have to someone else. The ability to discuss anything and still accept the other is impressive. There's also a deep level of emotional connection and care that they possess on the show. I love watching them interact. They are best friends. It's fun, confident, sincere, and trustworthy.

Fortunately for me, I think I have pretty similar relationships in my life. It's just fun to see it somewhere else. Besides, who wouldn't want to watch a show like this?

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