Saturday, July 3

Dietary Guidelines & Saturated Fat truths compared to the Western civilization and their diets.

Dietary Guidelines

  1. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.
  2. Eat beef, lamb, game, organ meats, poultry and eggs from pasture-fed animals.
  3. Eat wild fish (not farm-raised) and shellfish from unpolluted waters.
  4. Eat full-fat milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as raw milk, whole yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, whole raw cheeses and fresh and sour cream. (Imported cheeses that say "milk" or "fresh milk" on the label are raw.)
  5. Use animal fats, especially butter, liberally.
  6. Use traditional vegetable oils only--extra virgin olive oil, expeller-expressed sesame oil, small amounts of expeller-expressed flax oil, and the tropical oils--coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil.
  7. Take cod liver oil regularly to provide at least 10,000 IU vitamin A and 1,000 IU vitamin D per day.
  8. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables--preferably organic--in salads and soups, or lightly steamed with butter.
  9. Use whole grains, legumes and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients.
  10. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis.
  11. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb and fish and use liberally in soups, stews, gravies and sauces.
  12. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
  13. Use unrefined salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
  14. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and a small amount of expeller-expressed flax oil.
  15. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, maple sugar, date sugar, dehydrated cane sugar juice (sold as Rapadura) and stevia powder.
  16. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals.
  17. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.
  18. Use only natural, food-based supplements.
  19. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
  20. Think positive thoughts and practice forgiveness.

Some of these seem pretty close to common sense for me. I love at the end of the guidelines how we need sleep, exercise, and natural light. Isn't that what we've been told for years to do? And apparently thinking positive thoughts and practicing forgiveness is important to our dietary needs as well. I guess being Mormon pays off!

All of these things were discovered in the early 1930's by Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who was at the time studying the affects of diets on the structure and health of teeth. We traveled to many different places where the western civilization hadn't reached them in their diets. These places included villages in Switzerland, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, indigenous peoples of North and South America, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribes, Australian Aborigines and New Zealand Maori. He found that these people followed the guidelines listed above and because of it, had healthy arches and crowns, were more emotional intact, were physically fit, and had better immunity. 

Can you imagine? In this article and on this website, it claims all of these things and has the studies to back them up. The marketing industry has fed us lies in order to make money. I understand we all have to some how, but it is our own responsibility to take care of our bodies. They are gifts from our Father in Heaven.

As I read on, I discovered that studies showed that cholesterol and saturated fats are not the ones to blame for heart disease and coronary disease. In fact, saturated fats were very essential to the health in our cell membranes. A very large percent of our brain is made up of saturated fats. And the only place to find saturated fats with the nutrients needed are in animal fats. The blame for coronary and heart diseases should be turned to trans fats. So for all of you out there that believe eating margarine as opposed butter is a better health choice, I suggest reading these articles and to discover for yourself. 

It's fascinating, really, what a little research can do for you. Becoming aware of the nutritional needs of your own body can help that weight loss problem. In my own life, I am trying to avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates and trans fats. I try to eat eggs, whole grain toast, and/or fruit for breakfast and avoid cereals, pancakes, donuts, and other excessive sugary items. It's hard. It's difficult to keep on track, but I've got to learn one step at a time.

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