Tuesday, October 5

And again. Wrote it a few days ago.

Pre-mission life is tough! Let me tell you! As I see all these 18-19 year old young men going through papers I thought it was no big deal. Now that I'm here myself, I have a whole new perspective. Isn't that how everything in life works? I went to mission prep today and I loved it. We watched "An Ensign to the Nations" and learned of past missionaries of the church who founded nations. I almost cried. That's how intense it was.

In the last 6 weeks of receiving the revelation to pursue a mission, I have grown from fighting it and ignoring it completely to having a desire to go. I want it. Getting married can wait; I'm going to go help lost souls! Bring them the good news their spirit has been yearning for. Yearning... what a word. I have a few more hurdles to jump until the papers are sent in. I wonder where I'll end up going... At first I wanted to stay stateside because of fears like parasites and foreign diets. After spending more time in the scriptures and in classes, I have realized that it doesn't matter where I preach the gospel. They are all Heavenly Father's children; does the environment you're in really make that much of a difference to how much help you can give? No... It's the people. Now, my carnal mind still fears cow brain and insects, as well as having guns pulled on me. But hey, it builds character.

Back to school... my FHE brothers are crazy. I am so blessed to have crazy people in my life. They sent this link around last night. Apparently, this is what they do for fun:

Oh, I laughed. I enjoyed it. Who knew elongated hats and stuffed koala bears could bring so much joy?

Plus, General Conference is this weekend. While I will not be able to attend in Utah, the TV will be my best friend for 8 hours this weekend. I am hoping for questions answered and to understand a bit more of where I am in life. I have so many things on my plate that while it's not completely over-whelming, I am busy and planning things for the future is difficult. Lucky for me, God's inspired prophets will guide me. I love this gospel and this church.

So, here's my unorganized post with thoughts from the past 12 hours. Off to class and then to the weekend!


P.S. My roommate just fell against the main door going a handstand. Oh college.